WHAT IF…YOU KNEW, YOU ABSOLUTELY MATTER. Not just to your family and friends, and community, but in a bigger way. What if you and the life you are living mattered beyond what you could possibly even imagine? What if all that is required in life is for YOU to just be YOU. For you to have the courage to show up. FULLY. In all your colors, with all your feelings, in all your “YOUNIQUENESS“. What if every single experience that has occurred in your life, has given you gifts, superpowers? What if these gifts are meant to be shared? What if these gifts are so naturally a part of who you are, that you may not even be aware of that which emanates from you that when shared, eases, lifts, and inspires those around you. What if you could EXHALE, from the very core of your being, and drop it All. Release anything that isn’t you. What if you were to breath so deeply and to EXHALE so fully, that you melt from the inside out.
SOFTEN. In this softening, you relax your eyes, your mouth, your jaw. Try it, right now as you read these words. Fill up your lower abdomen first and let your breath come up into your lungs and out your mouth. Relax your scalp, your ears. Your teeth, your neck, your shoulders. Your heart, your lungs, your diaphragm. Relax your upper and lower abdomen. Your hips, your arms, legs, ankles, wrists, hands and feet. What if you relaxed your breathing. And now relax your mind. What if you knew that all that is happening in your life is happening FOR you and not to you? What if you knew that every “dis- ease” or discomfort in your life, was a message from your body, pointing to some area in your life where there is a lack of ease. What if your diagnosis, pain, or emotional or physical suffering in your life was actually your friend? Calling to you, calling to you over and over, “listen I want to share something with you” It will never give up on us, it will stay with us, and may even shout to us as it shows up in our experience of unbearable pain and suffering. What if the message that wants to be shared with you would transform everything.
What if you were to listen? What if you were to hear what wants to transform in your life? What if our suffering has never been fully understood until now? What if judging our pain as bad and wanting to shut it up or down, or off is completely the opposite of what would bring us long term relief? What if the challenge in front of you is your opportunity to do it differently for the first time in your life? What if your gifts on this planet are so important, that your inner being will keep calling you until you listen. Possibly offering you a chance to see that how you’ve been doing things just isn’t working anymore. What if there is something that wants your attention? What if your pain in your body means you are absolutely healthy? That your body is doing exactly what it is designed to do? To give you feedback. To love you so much, it will not stop until you listen. That is how important your life is, that is how important YOU are. We need you. We need you to say ” hi fear, yes I see you, I feel you, it’s okay, I’m going to listen anyway”. We need the gifts that emanate naturally from you.
We need you to listen. Your pain is beckoning you forward. It wants you to look at something in your life. Something important. Something precious. Breathe. Relax. Feel. What if for once in your life you just let your emotions free? What if you gave yourself permission to just be. No censoring, no holding back. Just flow. Like the gentle stream or the raging river, we just sit beside it and empty. Empty. What if you just let yourself feel it all. What if you take yourself outside each and every day and connect with the natural world with all of your senses opening wide. What if you breath in, and notice now an awareness that has been awaiting your arrival, for a very long time. An awareness who’s song reminds you to relax, to exhale, to trust, to let go. The song ignites you to remember your vastness, your fullness, your continual expansion and of your deep connection to all that is. What if you take this knowing and as you walk through your life, you begin to share YOURSELF with us, your inner beauty, your richness of experience, your vulnerability, your courage, your fear, your everything. What if you knew you matter. How would you show up differently in your life? What if?