I’ve Been Waiting For You.
I knew We Would Meet.
You have been so brave, for so long. You have been “swimming” in this marathon of suffering with pain, grief, and fear, for longer than anyone around you could possibly understand. I can see how exhausted you are. I can see all that you have done to try and keep yourself, your life, the life of your family afloat. I see you rolling onto your back trying to bring yourself relief, trying to take in air. But the waves of panic and hopelessness are threatening your ability to breathe. All you can manage now are short gulps of air, you contract inside as you know the amount of air you are getting isn’t enough to sustain you. One part of you is fighting with everything you have left, and you hold your breath in hopes the air will keep you from going under. Another part of you is imagining what it would feel like to exhale. To let your body slip below the surface, to just let all the madness go, to finally find peace. It’s in this very moment that you know, you don’t have the energy to take one more stroke, or to hold your breathe for one moment longer.
But you made it. You are here.
I am here. I am with you now. You are not alone. I am right beside you. My arms are reaching out to you. Let me gently hold you while you stop. Let me support you while you catch your breath. Then let me help guide you in to shore. Let me show you a place that has been waiting for you. It too knew you would come. It is unlike anything you have seen before. Let me show a place where you can rest safely. A place where you can replenish yourself always.
You are on an amazing journey. You have packed everything you needed for this journey inside of you. It’s time to lay back. It’s time to breathe. It’s time to rest, and to rebuild. I want to help you. I too have experienced the cold dark murky waters of loneliness, and fear. I too have navigated myself through the storms and calms of the uncharted waters of my life. While no two journeys are ever the same, our desire for more ease, for more joy and peace is the same.
Welcome to your sacred unfolding. It is here where a new journey begins. One that is unlike any you have lived so far. One that will connect you to your own beating Heart. It is the Heart that will lead you to where you want to go. It is a sacred journey. Together we will help you discover what is stopping you from moving forward in your health and in your life. We will explore what your body is saying through it’s symptoms, it’s “Dis EASE”. Your pain, your dis comfort, your grief, your fears have all been leading you to this very moment. You are about to launch into a whole new way of being. It is time to connect with all that has been waiting for you. All that is inside of you. Let me help you by showing you the mirror.