I want to share an amazing true story that happened to me a couple of weeks ago.  I had just finished a long distance Biofield Session with a man from Vancouver.  I went outside afterwards and noticed a dead bird laying lifeless under a wooden bench on my back deck.  My cat was there meowing over it, “look what I got, look what I got” she seemed to be saying.  This I am sad to say, has happened quite a few times already this summer.  I went over to the bird and picked it’s lifeless body up to throw it over the side of the deck.  It was beautiful, it was a shimmery green and salmon color. It was a humming bird. I was in awe.  Instead of throwing it into the back field, I found myself cupping it’s still warm body in my hands.   I thought for a moment I could feel a tiny faint heartbeat,  it was so fast and so faint though, and it’s neck hung so lifeless, I dismissed my wondering as wishful thinking that it could still somehow be alive.  It was a lovely sunny day out and I felt drawn to hold this beautiful creature in my hands.  I made my way to a big hammock that is also on my back deck, and laid down.  As I lay there I began thinking of the man I had just given the session to in Vancouver.  I felt like I was guided to continue sending Biofield Healing™ to him. This has never happened before, I have never continued sending to someone after their session.  I was looking up into the amazing blue sky, feeling the sun on my body, and there was a soft and gentle wind.  I had the humming bird nestled in my cupped hands, one holding his body, and the other on top.  I started to speak to the bird in my mind.  Letting it know I was with it as it was crossing over, and said if you want to go you can go, but if you want to stay, please know I will sit with you until you make up your mind.  My other cat Spirit suddenly jumped up on my chest and got comfortable.  I felt so much love as I laid there.  I felt such a lovely heart connection and energy being shared between me, the bird, my cat, nature, and to the man in Vancouver.   After about 10 minutes, I opened my hands gently.  The bird opened it’s eye!   He didn’t move.  I was shocked, and wondered if it was paralyzed.  I cupped my hands again.  After about another 10 minutes I opened my hands.  The bird again opened his eye.  This time to my disbelief and joy he flew away as quick as I have ever seen a bird fly!  I was amazed.  The story is amazing as is, but it gets even more amazing.  I went inside after this and received a lovely thank you email from the man in Vancouver for the session he received.  He wrote that he felt a lovely peaceful feeling.  I wrote back telling him the story of the humming bird.  To my astonishment he wrote back sharing with me that he has a tattoo of a humming bird over his heart, saying it was in honor of his mother.  I got goose bumps when I read this.  There really are bigger things going on than I think we will ever know.  I was truly blessed to have had this amazing experience.