Client Testimonials From Around The World

“I recently completed the 4 week healing program Julie now offers and I have to say, the results have been life changing. I’ve been suffering from debilitating exhaustion which led to paralysis at some points. I spent about a month in a zombie state which caused me to stop working, stop driving, stop caring for my family or even myself. The mental and physical exhaustion were terrifying and there seemed to be no answers. After EEGs, CT Scans, MRIs and zillions of blood tests, the only remotely positive tests were for Lyme Disease but my doctor refused to consider it. The Neurologist had no answers. When the Internal Medicine specialist told me he could not help me, I was devastated. I’ve known Julie for years and trust her wisdom. I had not tried her treatment before and asked her if she could help me. After the very first session, I felt so much better, things started to change. By the second session, I was driving myself. By the third, I left her office feeling not only coherent but creative and back to my old self. It’s been weeks since my last visit and I feel so well! Working and participating and interacting with friends and loved ones – I’m so grateful! I want to share my story in case anyone out there may be suffering and have not found relief. This work is fast, it gets results and I am truly thankful to have the quality of my life back. Thank you Julie!”

Darcy G.

Salt Spring Island, BC

I was drawn to Julie at a time in my life when I was feeling a pull to go deeper and live more fully this life that has been given to me. Through the eight week sessions (mostly distance) the awareness of my intuition and inner guidance grew and my trust in it was strengthened. Julie’s strength, focus, tenaciousness and unfailing support was truly amazing. After discovering an unconscious belief of unworthiness I was holding, physical pain in my sacrum and hips that I had for years disappeared and has not returned. Today I walk in and see the world differently than before my work with Julie. Working through issues of fear, unworthiness and anger, I am tuned in, listen and trust in life and there is a greater sense of relaxation and ease in me. I am forever grateful.

Beverly Drever

Distance Client

I came to Julie during a time of great transition in my life. My intention was to release outdated belief systems and to help myself to let go of what wasn’t serving my life anymore. Each session progressively supported me to go deeper, and opened me to experience a new sense of freedom and spaciousness in my life. From this place, I continue to experience profound shifts as I move forward into my new life. Julie is a truly gifted practitioner with an incredible ability to hold space for people and respect their process. Her natural energetic gifts and deep trust and passion in her work is matched with her desire to help others.. If you are in transition I would whole heartedly recommend Julie as a beacon on your path.  

Johanna Stiver

Salt Spring Island BC

“I feel more confident. Julie helped me see limiting belief patterns going back to my childhood and connected them to things still playing out today at 46 years old. With this newfound awareness, I was able to release the pain of this “self sabotage”, cry without knowing why, just realizing it was pain coming from deep inside me up and out to the surface where it could be released. Pain is a form of energy and Julie helped me move it up and out. I felt pain in my chest and discomfort in my stomach as she was guiding me through these old belief patterns. Once I released them and saw the truth of me, the pain and discomfort was gone and I felt lighter, free-er, and felt confident in who I am. I recognized my real value in the work I do, something I was unable to see before. We started the conversation with me saying that life is hard and scary, and she helped me get to a place to believe Life is Here, meaning I dropped the label and judgment I had about life. I felt scared to leave the house before, half real and half metaphor, now I feel safe to leave the house and face the world, face life. I feel so much better”.

Chris P

Long Distance Client, California

“Recently I injured myself to a point where I have been unable to work. For months now my days have been spent in excruciating pain. I have experienced incredible fear, anxiety and despair, as I saw no end in sight to the amount of body pain and emotional fallout this pain triggered for me. I have felt incredibly alone, in terror, and without hope. I completely shut out my world.Depression and anxiety pushed me to a place of actually questioning my will to live. I was very skeptical about entering into the Biofield Healing work that Julie offers but I know Julie and I trusted her and I listened to a voice inside of me that said, “Go here.” I have had 5 sessions and am about to go for my 6th. I have to say, in the past 5 weeks, I absolutely feel a shift inside of me. I have not seen any other practitioner in this time. Julie has opened my eyes to the relationship between the pain I experience and what wants to change in my life. After a lifetime of running away from my emotions, I really got that “We have to feel to heal.” I made my pain my best friend. It made sense that it was trying to get my attention about something important. I was very afraid to change but I watched, listened to, and read the support material Julie offered me between each session, and everything has begun to change. My pain level has dropped considerably. There are more and more days where it is completely gone. I can feel the stress in my body melting away. Julie guided me to see what core belief systems were operating inside me, and helped me to begin on a path of choosing healthier thoughts that feel better in my body. I have been crying more tears than I ever knew were in me. I have embraced a new relationship with my body and with my life. One of EASE. I have entirely stopped smoking marijuana, eating sugar, and went off my anti depressant medication, with no withdrawal symptoms at all. Thank you Julie for sharing your incredible passion and expertise with me that not only supported me to get my life back but to take it to a whole new level!”


Salt Spring Island BC

“For many years now I have been feeling that there was something missing from my life. I have gone down many paths trying to find a way to work out exactly what I was missing from living a more fulfilled life. Having been interested in Quantum Science ( Bruce Lipton and David Hamilton) and all that it has to teach us, I became interested in Biofield Healing. When I started with Julie, I knew something was missing but found it impossible to grasp exactly what it was and, most importantly, why I felt things were missing in my life. This is where someone like Julie is helpful. She was able, with great sensitivity and skill, to ask just the right questions to help me discover what was missing and why. I gained a greater understanding of myself and what to do about it. I now feel that not only is there greater clarity in my life, but also, the work has helped me to find the tools to achieve my goal of living a more fulfilled life. The most important question that you have to ask yourself sometimes is ” how would I feel if nothing changed and I was in the same place 10, 20 or 30 years down the road”? I know what my answer would be.”


Long Distance Client, England

About four months before seeing Julie, I’d had a pelvic ultrasound to determine whether the fibroids had grown, but they seemed to be stable. It wasn’t clear what was causing this additional swelling, so I was scheduled for a follow-up with the gynecologist. About five weeks before this appointment, I had the first of four sessions with Julie. A week before the doctor’s appointment, the extra swelling had completely disappeared. I love the Biofield Energy experience. I fall into a deep and relaxed state, while remaining fully conscious. Although I’m not one who is particularly sensitive to physical sensations, I have actually felt the electrical current running through my body as Julie’s intention raises the energy frequencies of my body-mind. I have experienced, and practiced, a variety of energy healing modalities. What I appreciate about Biofield Energy, and Julie in particular, is the relaxing, gentle, heartfelt, full body treatment I receive. When I leave the session, in addition to any physical changes my body will incorporate, my emotions are lighter and happier and it’s a good day.”   


Salt Spring Island 

“Since taking the 4 week program in Biofield Healing™ with Julie, I am excited to dive into my interests with a greater sense of strength and awareness of myself. I believe that Biofield has opened my heart in ways that I never imagined it could. It is difficult to put into words what the actual Biofield session is like. The best way that I can describe my own experience was that it was like being bathed in an array of colourful emotions. I experienced deep relaxation, pure excitement, awe, and even spontaneous laughter. I would highly recommend Biofield work with Julie to anyone who is open to the discovery of their soul’s path, and also to anyone who is curious about the power and the possibilities that are available to them at every moment”. 

Odette Graham

Long Distance Client

“My experience in working with Julie was very positive. I went to see her with excruciating shoulder pain. (Carolyn was told by her doctor it was a rotator cuff injury that would take a year to heal) As a result, my whole being felt stressed, even lopsided, and I couldn’t relax my arm in any position. After the treatment, I felt the first inklings of healing and relief in the area in weeks if not months. I also felt that my body as a whole had been recharged or rebooted in a healing direction. Overall, Julie assisted me in being pulled from my physical suffering into a more hopeful place. I couldn’t wait until the next treatment. After a few more sessions, all the pain was gone. I was standing straight again. Thank you Julie!”

Carolyn Flam Sharp,

Salt Spring Island   

“Julie’s gift of Energy Work and Massage is remarkable! When I first entered her studio I was met by a woman who possesses sincerity, kindness and who felt calmly grounded. Her warmth and energy was palpable. During the massage I felt energy move through me as she worked on my body, and when done, my body and mind felt a deep calmness. I whole-heartedly and highly recommend Julie to anyone seeking a healing touch!”

Peter Paul Harnisch,

Salt Spring Island

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